ABPL 墨大 建筑学 Architecture assignment 代写

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  • ABPL 墨大 建筑学 Architecture assignment 代写 

    University of Melbourne  Page 1
    ABPL 20051
    Students are required to continue working in the same groups established for the previous
    assignment (Assignment 2).
    Aims and Objectives
    The aim of this assignment is for students to demonstrate:
    •  The ability to work in groups and produce a combined report, which is cohesive and
    comprehensive, and demonstrates both a collaborative and co-operative approach to
    problem solving;
    •  The ability to recognise buildings and accurately describe their:
    o  Type of construction;
    o  Era of construction;
    o  Major building elements;
    o  ESD components and potential;
    o  Maintenance requirements for existing buildings;
    •  The ability to produce a thorough and well researched site analysis, that is presented in
    a professional format;
    •  The ability to research readily available local data regarding planning and building
    issues in the City of Port Phillip and interpret this information into meaningful property
    •  The ability to interpret local planning regulations in order to create a massing model for
    a proposed development on a city site;
    •  The ability to propose appropriate construction methodologies for a proposed building
    development on a city site; and
    •  The ability to prepare a well-presented, professional quality report.
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    Each group will be allocated a number of sites within the City of Port Phillip Fishermans
    Bend precinct.
    For Parts 1 and 2 of the assignment, each member of the group will be responsible for
    assessing one of the allocated sites. Students will be assessed individually for their work in
    Parts 1 and 2.
    For Part 3 of the assignment, the group will work cooperatively and collaboratively on
    preparing a development proposal for one or more of the allocated sites. The group will be
    assessed collectively for their work on Part 3, the overall presentation and referencing.
    Tutorials sessions will focus on achieving milestones in completing the knowledge base for
    the completion of this assignment. Small student presentations will be a core of this
    process, and groups will be assessed on their presentations as part of the total assignment
    assessment. Students are expected to learn from each other’s presentations and offer
    Students should attend all tutorials and the site visit so that their group will not be
    Assignment Content
    The content of the report should include the following, to arrive at a considered proposal for
    building development. It should include the following sections:
    PART 1:  Detailed Site Description and Analysis
    For each of the allocated sites you are to prepare a detailed description and analysis of the
    site. One member of the group is responsible for assessing one of the sites.
    The site analysis should include (but not be limited to) the following:
    •  Photographic description of the streetscape, which should be annotated to describe the
    features of the site and the character of the immediate neighbourhood. NOTE: Students
    are required to take and use their own original photos of the streetscape and not to take
    and use existing photos from other sources;
    •  Plan of the site showing adjoining building relationships and any key issues relating to
    the surrounding area. This could be presented as a copy of a plan or map sourced from
    the City of Port Phillip website or Google Earth etc. onto which you overlay the various
    information and add your own annotations. Your site plan must be large enough to
    show more than just your subject site;
    •  Key features which must be highlighted in the site description and analysis include:
    o  Drawing must be to scale, using a scale bar and indicative key dimensions;
    o  Orientation of the site (i.e. a north point is required);
    o  Location and length of allotment boundaries (as dimensions);
    o  Area of the site;
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    o  Building footprint outlines (for subject site and adjoining sites);
    o  Building heights and setbacks (for subject site and adjoining sites);
    o  Any other site features (i.e. street trees, crossovers, parking restrictions, landmark
    focus points, etc.);
    o  Key and relevant linkages and transport routes;
    o  Building occupation and use (for subject site and adjoining sites);
    o  Any key historical information about the site / immediate area / buildings that you
    consider makes this site unique and/or a key part of the precinct development;
    o  A brief description of the planning scheme (including zoning, overlays, local policy
    statements etc.) which informs the potential for development of the individual sites.
    For this part of the assignment, in addition to a desktop review of available materials,
    students are required to undertake a visit to the site in order to take photos, gather
    observations about the site and the immediate area around the site.
    Students will need to share information to allow coordination of their work and develop
    common presentation styles for this part of the assignment so that as a group, your
    information reads as related parts of the one report.
    PART 2:  Building Analysis
    For each of the allocated sites you are to prepare an analysis of the building(s) occupying
    the site. One member of the group is responsible for assessing each site.
    The building analysis should include (but be not limited to) the following:
    •  A description of the building allotment and title boundaries and orientation;
    •  A description of the building in terms of:
    o  Size and the area of the site it occupies;
    o  Approximate height of the building and the number of floors;
    o  Age and era of construction;
    o  Type of construction (including the various structural and enclosing elements – at a
    minimum this needs to include footings, floor and roof structures, vertical structure,
    walls and roof etc.);
    o  Any historical information you can readily find about the building or its occupants.
    NOTE: there is historical information about many city buildings and this information
    is always relevant to preparing a property reports.
    o  Typical maintenance issues that would be associated with a building of this age and
    o  Typical ESD methods employed in a building of this age and type, and for this
    building in particular;
    o  Description of the advantages of carrying out a NABERS assessment on the
    existing building and the typical findings and recommendations that such a report
    would highlight;
    o  Recommendations about how to improve the ESD performance of the building;
    o  Current building use and occupation (and comment on how the use of the building
    fits in with the established use of the surrounding area);
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    •  A detailed analysis of the Planning scheme including the zoning, overlays, local policy
    statements, building heights and development potential for this particular site;
    •  Any restrictions on the potential development of this site.
    For this part of the assignment, in addition to a desktop review of available materials,
    students are required to undertake a visit to the site in order to take photos, gather
    observations about the building.
    Students will need to share information to allow coordination their work and develop
    common presentation styles for this part of the assignment so that as a group, your
    information reads as related parts of the one report.
    PART 3:  Development Proposal
    As a group, you are to make a recommendation for the major redevelopment of one, several
    or all of the sites you have analysed in Parts 1 and 2 of the assignment.
    The selected site(s) for redevelopment must be appropriate and achievable (i.e. do not
    select a heritage listed property and assume that you can demolish it – if you wish to include
    such a site in your development proposal, you must think of a way to integrate the existing
    protected structure into the development).
    The selected area for redevelopment must be approved by your tutor prior to proceeding
    with the detailed development strategy.
    The Development Proposal should include (but be not limited to) the following:
    •  Preparation of a massing study of the building development proposed for the selected
    site(s). This massing study must include scaled diagrams that indicate:
    o  Proposed combined site area, including dimensions of the new site;
    o  Proposed building site coverage (footprint) and area of the footprint;
    o  Building height, number of floors and total area of the building;
    o  Impact of the neighbouring buildings on the proposed building mass;
    o  Structural and construction methods to be used for the proposed development,
    including the various structural and enclosing elements – at a minimum this needs
    to include footings, floor and roof structures, vertical structure, walls and roof etc.
    and any site access issues which may occur during the construction process;
    •  The construction of the proposed development must be costed using Riders. The
    costing must be itemised in as much detail as appropriate for your development
    proposal and include at least the following elements:
    o  Demolition of existing buildings;
    o  Building construction (wit breakdowns for different types of uses included);
    o  Basement and car parking;
    o  Various services, including vertical transportation;
    o  Landscaping;
    o  Identification of any costing exclusions
    •  Consideration and description of how the proposed building development would be used
    and how the proposed use and design would be suitable for the site considering both
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    the established use of the surrounding area and the proposed use of the area into the
    •  The redevelopment proposal must give consideration to the following:
    o  Planning scheme limitations imposed on the site, including zoning and overlays,
    local planning policy, other government policy, building height restrictions,
    overshadowing and overlooking, and any other issues that you believe impact on
    redevelopment of the site(s);
    o  Access during construction.
    •  An indication of the likely sales or rental prices for the final proposed development;
    •  Possible marketing of the completed project.
    •  Any other considerations which have informed your development proposal.
    The development proposal should be presented as a series of annotated original sketches
    and short paragraphs. ‘Copy and paste’ of material obtained from reference sources must
    not be used as a presentation technique for substantive information within the report.
    Assignment Format
    Each report is to be presented in a common format, as follows:
    Cover Page  A4 portrait format
    Table of Contents A4 portrait format
    Part 1  Detailed Site Description and Analysis
    2 x A3 landscape pages per site (folded to A4 for binding into report)
    Part 2  Building Analysis
    2 x A3 landscape pages per site (folded to A4 for binding into report)
    Part 3 Development Proposal
    A4 portrait format report (any A3 sheets to be folded to A4 size in report)
    Conclusion A4 portrait format
    Appendices A4 portrait format
    References A4 portrait format
    The final hard copy of the report must be spiral, wire or comb bound with a completed
    submission cover sheet.
    The presentation format and graphics that each group employs should be decided by the
    group members. Students should give careful consideration to the consistency of fonts,
    headings, spacing, colour and graphic style. 
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    The content and presentation of the assignment should read as a co-ordinated and well-
    presented effort, suitable to present to a client considering purchasing the site(s) for
    Each student’s individual participation is the equivalent of 2500 words + diagrams.
    Peer assessment
    Individual work diaries should be kept by each student during the development phase of the
    assignment. These diary statements are to be submitted in one labelled envelope per group.
    Each envelope will contain:
    1. Individual statements that:
    Describe your own work carried out the previous week and how it satisfies the
    work program and progress of the group.
    An outline of your consideration of the other members’ individual progress in
    comparison to the program established in the prior week, by the group.
    It should be typed on an A4 sheet, with the project group, tutorial time and
    student’s name clearly marked, and be signed by the author.
    Individual work diary statements must be submitted at the commencement of
    each tutorial.
    2. During the tutorial, each group will create a work program for the following week’s
    tasks detailing what is to be researched by each student and what information will
    be prepared for presentation the following week.
    This statement can be handwritten, is to be signed by each student in the group
    and handed to the tutor prior to leaving the tutorial session.
    Make sure each member of the group also takes a copy of this work program with
    them at the end of the tutorial so they know what to work on during the week.
    Peer assessments will be used to assess individual participation in the group project, and
    shall be the source for discrepancies in assessments.
    A final Peer assessment must be submitted with the final report, in a similar format to the
    weekly reports.
    Marking and Assessment
    This assignment is worth 40% of the total assessment marks.
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    The following breakdown of marks will apply:
    1  Peer Assessment [individual mark]  5 pts
    2  Part 1: Detailed Site Description and Analysis [individual mark]  20 pts
    3  Part 2: Building Analysis [individual mark]  20 pts
    4  Part 3: Development Proposal [group mark]  40 pts
    5  Overall Presentation of Report (including introduction & conclusion)
    [group mark]  10 pts
    6 Referencing [group mark]  5 pts
    Given that it is a group report, each member of the group will receive the same mark for all
    the items shown above as [group mark]. Individual marks will be awarded for the sections
    shown above as [individual mark].
    Tutorial Program
    Tutorial sessions will be focused on achieving milestones in completing the knowledge base
    for completion of the assignment.
    Students should attend all tutorials and the site visit to ensure they are not disadvantaged in
    their report preparation.
    The following milestones are expected to be achieved and students will make short
    presentations during the tutorials to show the progress of their work as described below:
    Week 09 3 rd May  Assignment briefing and group consolidation.
    Students are to research their sites using desktop materials,
    allocate time for a visit to the sites to record observations
    about the sites and to work collectively on establishing an
    assignment milestone work plan for Week 10 and to prepare
    for the Week 11 in-class presentations.
    Week 10 10 th May  Submission of peer assessments and assignment milestone
    work plan prior to the site visit.
    Completed an independent visit to the allocated sites to gather
    observations and photographs and to continue to prepare for
    the in-class presentations in Week 11.
    Week 11 17 th May  Submission of peer assessments at start of tutorial session.
    Pin-up presentations of research of milestones for week 11.
    The presentations are to include at least:
    •  Base site plans and descriptions of the local area,
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    •  Streetscape and building descriptions,
    •  Detailed description of the Neighbourhood Character,
    •  Planning scheme analysis,
    •  Individual buildings analysis.
    Following the presentations, students are to start work on the
    development proposals for their sites, including:
    •  Establish which site, or sites the group has decided to
    •  Clearly outline the reasons for your choice of site(s).
    These reasons may include:
    o  Comments about the size of the site and its suitability
    for the proposed use,
    o  Available linkages,
    o  Position on the block,
    o  Accessibility,
    o  and any other reasons....
    •  Decide on the proposed use for the development and
    give your reasons,
    •  A thorough analysis of the planning scheme to establish
    the extent of built development that can be achieved on
    the site(s),
    •  Establish the building mass for the site(s). NOTE: This
    will be dictated by your planning scheme analysis and
    your intended use. Prepare the floor areas so that
    construction costings can be applied,
    •  When preparing your development massing study you
    should make the following assumptions:
    o  Floor to Floor Heights of 3.5m;
    o  The proposed structure should be constructed using
    concrete (in situ, precast, or concrete masonry units),
    steel or CLT.
    Groups must get approval from tutors for their development
    proposal idea prior to the end of the tutorial session in order
    to progress their project before week 12 (so that the project
    can be presented and costed in the Week 12 tutorial
    Week 12  24 th May  Submission of peer assessments at start of tutorial session.
    Group presentations of the proposed development milestones
    listed in Week 11 above, followed by calculations of the
    proposed cost of the development and potential sales or
    rental potential of the development. 
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    ABPL 墨大 建筑学 Architecture assignment 代写 
    Submission Requirements and Due Dates
    The Assignment is due no later than 11.59pm on Monday 5 th June 2017. It is to be
    submitted via TURNITIN on the LMS.
    The LMS submission must be a PDF file.
    In addition to the LMS submission, a colour printed copy must be submitted to the
    Assignment Submission Chute on the ground floor of the Baldwin Spencer Building (#113),
    no later than 10am on TUESDAY 6 th June 2017.
    The LMS submission will be marked once both the soft and hard copies have been
    submitted. One hard copy and one LMS copy are required per group. The group coversheet
    will be posted on LMS.
    Submissions without appropriate references (including in-text or footnotes) will not be
    marked and will be referred to the Academic Misconduct Committee.
    Late Submissions
    Deductions for late submissions will be applied to the LMS submission, at the rate of 10%
    per 24 hours, or part thereof, after the designated LMS submission time. The late penalties
    are applied on a calendar day basis (not working day).
    Cover Sheets
    The hard copy assignment must be submitted with the CIS-P Assignment 2 Cover Sheet.
    The coversheet is not required for the TURNITIN submission, but you should include your
    own coversheet as part of your report presentation (formatted as you would for prepare the
    cover page of a report for presentation to a client).
    You are required to make your own research endeavours for this assignment. The following
    websites are the starting point for information about buildings and planning requirements.
    Many of the resources previously prescribed for the other assignments are also relevant for
    this assignment.
    ABPL 墨大 建筑学 Architecture assignment 代写